ELEEELS X1T – massasjeapparat med vibrasjon – hvit – din egen fysioterapeut!

kr 3.999,00 inkl.Mva

Hvit massasjeapparat som lindrer muskelsmerter og spenninger!

  • Demp muskelsmerter
  • 6 hastigheter
  • Fire massasjehoder
  • Stimulerer blodsirkulasjonen og lindrer muskelsmerter
  • Lav vekt: Veier kun 1,1 kg
  • Ergonomisk, justerbart håndtak
  • Litiumionbatteri med opptil 10 timers brukstid
  • Stille og effektiv børsteløs motor

Utsolgt, men kan bestilles

Produktnummer: 1621131729 Kategorier: , Stikkord:


ELEEELS X1T massasjeapparat reduserer muskelsmerter og muskelspenninger.

Virker mot muskelsmerter som ofte er forårsaket av skrivebordsarbeid, sport eller stress.

Vibrasjonsmassasjeapparat øker blodsirkulasjonen, løser muskelspenning og smerte og reduserer melkesyrenivået.

Massasjeapparatet er lett i vekt og enkel å benytte


Effektiv motor og seks hastighetsinnstillinger

ELEEELS X1T massasjeapparat har en veldig effektiv børsteløs motor som også er stillegående takket være Quiet Motion Technology™. Du kan velge mellom to driftsmoduser og totalt seks hastigheter slik at du kan få både skånsomme og kraftigere massasjer. De høyere hastighetene i sportsmodus er bra for smertelindring, robusthet og gjenoppretting. De lavere hastighetene i komfortmodus er egnet for smertelindring og avslapning. Ved laveste hastighetsinnstilling roterer motoren 900 ganger i minuttet, på den høyeste 3200 ganger.

Enkel massasje hjemme

Denne lette massasjeenheten veier kun 1,1 kg, noe som gjør den spesielt behagelig å bruke. Å være trådløs gjør bruken også lett og fleksibel. Det ergonomiske justerbare håndtaket garanterer en god posisjon for håndleddet, enten du masserer deg selv eller andre. Det kraftige litiumionbatteriet sørger for brukstid i opptil 10 timer på én enkelt lading.

Fire massasjehoder

Massasjeapparatet har fire lett utskiftbare massasjehoder som er designet for å massere forskjellige muskler. Gaffelhodet er utmerket for å massere nakke og rygg, det avsmalnende hodet for ledd og akupunkturpunkter. Det flate hodet passer for alle muskler og det runde hodet er spesielt for store muskelgrupper.


Leverandørens ID
Design og utforming
Programmer og innstillinger
Autoprogram: Ja
Antall hastighetinnstillinger: 6 Stykk
Justerbar temperatur: Nei
Hastighetsjustering: Ja
Øvrige spesifikasjoner
Nettomål uten emballasje (D x B x H)
300,0 x 250,0 x 65,0 mm
Bruttomål med emballasje (D x B x H)
347,0 x 284,0 x 96,0 mm
1,100 kg
<iframe width=”950″ height=”539″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/w4PE6ZDTo9c” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

The 1st Massage gun engineered with dual-mode

1) Sports mode: Medical research on the body’s natural reflexive response to frequency pointed out that high-speed vibration can relax the stiff muscles and increase strength and flexibility. It keeps the muscles awake and keeps them in a state of vitality.

2) Comfort Mode: In addition to relaxing the muscles, the lower movement frequency, in contrast, encourage muscles to enter the rest state slowly, helping people to sleep and rest.

Adapting unprecedented technology, ELEEELS therapeutic massage gun is a percussive device that helps improve blood circulation, relieve muscle stiffness and soreness, prevent muscle damage and reduce lactic acid level. Recent studies have shown that percussive massage provided by a massage gun can cause muscle tissue to contract 30 times more powerfully than normal voluntary contractions. Interestingly, like yoga and exercise, this action results in muscular and fascial lengthening and strengthening, leading to improved muscle strength and enhanced muscle recovery. This magical combination results in relieving the muscular tightness and reducing the physical stress placed on bones and joints.

Labour-saving and fatigue-free ergonomic design

With the best user experience in mind, the length and angle of inclination of the handle are achieved through repeated tests by the product engineers. The ELEEELS X1T can be used at the most comfortable and natural positions, be it when massaging the back, the back of the thigh or the arm, etc.


Free adjustment of handle angle

The all-new inclined handle can be adjusted as required. It can be inclined forward or backward to massage various parts of the body more easily without hurting the wrist. For example, the handle bent at an angle inwards is particularly suitable for use on the back of the shoulders and back muscles, while bending it outwards makes it suitable for use on the legs, arms and front shoulder muscles, etc. It satisfies the needs of different parts of the body.


Equally excellent at helping others

In addition to using it on yourself, the inclined handle is equally precise and energy-efficient for the user when helping others. It is particularly suitable for professionals who need to use massage devices for long periods of time, such as physiotherapists, as well as sports and fitness coaches, etc.

Handle with adjustable angles to achieve full-body massage!

62-degree twistable handle massage gun that covers every inch of the body easily!

The handle bends inwards for you to thump on your own shoulders and back without having to ask others for help!

How do I adjust the handle’s angle?

1)      Press the battery button firmly.

2)      Draw the battery (handle) out.

3)      Twist the battery (handle) 180 degrees. A ‘click’ can be heard when this is completed.

4)      Push the battery (handle) back into the device.

2 massage modes, 6-speed setting, and 4 interchangeable massage applicators

Cordless and Ultra-quiet

30% longer battery life

Lightweight: only 1.1 kg

1 Adapter and 4 Interchangeable applicators


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