NYHET 2024! VST ryggekamera med interface for VW, Skoda og SEAT

Med vår VST video-interface har du mulighet for at tilkoble en ryggekamera (følger med), frontkamera (ekstrautstyr) med automatisk aktivering samt opp til to ekstra videokilder (f.eks. sidekameraer eller ettermonterte enheter som USB-avspillere, DVB-T2 tunere og meget mere) til bilens originale infotainmentsystem.


Dette sikrer deg en problemfri integrasjon med bilens eksisterende system, så du kan nyte en sikker og komfortabel kjøreopplevelse med ekstra funksjonalitet. Perfekt til de, som ønsker å oppgradere sitt kjøretøy med moderne teknologi uten kompromiss på det originale design.




r.LiNK video inserter for rear-view-camera, front camera with auto switching and 2 further video-inputs. Compatible with Seat, Skoda and VW MIB2 GP Entry with 6.5inch monitor from MY2018-. Seat Media System Touch Color, Skoda radio Swing and VW Composition Color.


The r.LiNK interface allows to insert a rear-view camera, a front camera with auto switching and two different video sources (e.g. USB-player, DVB-T2 tuner, …) to the factory-infotainment system of the vehicle manufacturer.


Product features

  • Video-inserter for factory-infotainment systems
  • 1 CVBS rear-view camera video-input
  • 1 CVBS front camera video-input
  • 2 CVBS video-inputs for after-market devices (e.g. USB-Player, DVB-T2 tuner, …)
  • Automatic switching to rear-view camera input on engagement of the reverse gear
  • Automatic front camera switching after reverse gear for 10 seconds
  • Video-in-motion (ONLY for connected video-sources)
  • Video-inputs NTSC and PAL compatible


Fremtidige endringer/oppdateringer av køretøyets software kan forårsake funksjonsfeil i interface.

Det kan muligvis håndteres ved en softwareoppdatering av interface, men kan ikke garanteres.

En evt. oppdatering koster kr 900,- og interface skal innsendes for egen kostnad. Arbeidsomkostninger for og andre utgifter forbundet med softwareoppdatering refunderes ikke.

Derfor anbefales det ikke å oppdatere bilens multimediesystem.


Brand Model Navigation
Seat Arona (KJ7) model years from 2017,
Ibiza (6P) model years from 2018,
Leon3 (5F) model years from 2018,
Toledo4 (KG) model years from 2018
Media System Touch Color
6.5inch monitor
Skoda Fabia3 (NJ) model years from 2018,
Octavia3 (5E) model years from 2018,
Rapid (NH1) model years from 2018,
Superb3 (3V) model years from 2018
Radio Swing
6.5inch color monitor and SD-cart slot without CD-drive
VW Golf 7 from model year 2018,
Golf 7 Sportsvan from model year 2018,
Polo 5 (AW1) from model year 2018,
T-Roc (A11) from model year 2018,
Tiguan (AD1) from model year 2018,
Touran (ST) from model year 2018,
Composition Color 6.5inch all in one head-unit



Video only The interface inserts ONLY video signals into the infotainment. For inserting Audio signals either the possibly existing factory audio-AUX-input or a FM-modulator can be used. In case that 2 AV sources shall be connected, a desired audio switching will require additional electronic.
Factory rear-view camera Automatically switching-back from inserted video to factory rear-view camera is only possible while the reverse gear is engaged. To delay the switch-back an additional electronic part is required.
After market front camera The front camera will automatically be switched for 10 seconds after disengaging the reverse gear. A manually front camera switching is possible by external keypad.


NOTICE: The interface have to be installed in the monitor panel (the cover needs to be opened)!



  • Video-insertion: ribbon cable
  • Power and CAN-bus: open cable ends
  • Video-input (2x): RCA female connector
  • Rear-view camera-input: RCA female connector
  • Front camera-input: RCA female connector



Operating voltage 7~25V DC
Standby current 12mA
Current consumption 150mA@12V
Video input 0.7~1V
Video input formats PAL/NTSC
Operating temperature range -40°C to +85°C
Dimensions video-box 117 x 26 x 90mm (W x H x D)
Dimensions daughter PCB 148 x 5 x 61mm (W x H x D)



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